Just Win, Baby!

Seems like so many folks these days are chasing after the distinctly modern idea known as “victorious living” – we want victory over sickness, victory in our relationships, victory in our finances. Some of us even want victory over sin. But do we take this idea of spiritual victory too lightly? Do we understand it? Do we really even recognize victory when it happens?

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Jay Delaney
Peace In the Valley

"God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and wisdom to know the difference."
This simple prayer, known the world over, is called the "Serenity Prayer". We LOVE this prayer! In praying this prayer, we need to understand what we're really asking God to do.

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Reconsidering Dr. King

Despite last week’s discovery (by some) of the 32 year-old Martin Luther King Holiday, and considering the current state of the race situation in the US, now would seem to be a great time to take stock of some things. We could certainly consider MLK’s personal accomplishments. We would not be remiss were we to focus on his international impact. Nor would it be out of order for us to look at what a big deal it is that we even pause to recognize Dr. King and what a struggle it was for his supporters to have this day set aside for recognition.

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Jay DelaneyRev. Dr. King